Welcome New Students!
We are so glad you are here...
We can't wait to get to know you and for you to get to know us. We at TechBSM want to allow you opportunities to grow in your relationship with God and to be used by Him on the Tech campus and beyond.
We believe you are here at Tech for something bigger than just getting a degree! Now, we want you to get your degree and to excel at it, but we also believe that the college campus is one of the greatest mission fields in the world today.
Therefore, we want you to join us as we seek to reach Red Raiders! You can do so by becoming a part of a campus group or a ministry team, but we would like for you to consider joining our First-Year Leadership Team.
Being a part of the First-Year Leadership Team will challenge you as you seek to become obedient to God and His mission in the world. It will also provide for you an incredible community.
So we hope you will consider joining us as we seek to impact not only the campus of Texas Tech, but the world!