First-Year Leadership Team
so glad you are interested...
Our First-Year Leadership Team is a group of students who are committed to growing in their relationship with God and allowing such growth to impact the campus of Texas Tech.
Here are some basics of being involved in BSM Leadership...
- Personal discipleship. You will be meeting in a group of 2-3 others each week to discuss spiritual growth issues and to pray for each other and the campus.
- Training. You will be trained and given tools in how to share the gospel with others. You will also begin to grow in your understanding of the gospel and how you fit into the story of God.
- Hands On. It's one thing to talk about following Jesus and sharing the gospel with others, but it's a complete other thing to actually do it. For us, this is where the rubber meets the road. We provide you opportunities to share the gospel and be involved in ministry to others on campus.
- Community. You don't do all this alone. We serve the campus together. We are on mission together. We share the gospel with others together. We grow together.
If you are interested in being a part of this team, click on and complete the app/questions found below. If you have any further questions, email Jeff Kennon at