Welcome International Students!

We at the BSM are always excited to meet new International students!!!

Furniture Needs

BSM considers it a privilege to help new International students coming to Tech find furniture. We do this in a couple of ways. First, every August we have a "Furniture Giveaway Day." And second, for those who don't get all they need, we continue to collect furniture throughout the year to give away.

If you are needing furniture, please complete the online form below. 



Since the semester has changed quite a bit due to everyone’s health and safety, we are wanting to let all our International friends know that if we can help in any way, please don’t hesitate to let us know. You can do so by emailing us at info@techbsm.com or completing any form found on this website.


Getting to know you!

We are glad you have come to study at Texas Tech and want to get to know you. Feel free to complete our online form so we can not only know who you are, but so we can also send you info about who we are. Please complete our online form below.

Our NEW Facebook group for Internationals is a great way to interact with other International students as well as find furniture or ask questions about life at Texas Tech and Lubbock. We also keep everyone informed about International events at BSM.