Student Leaders

We are a student-led ministry which means we want you to join us!!! We believe we meet the campus and the world at it's greatest need, the need to know God and be changed by Him. There is no greater undertaking than this. In fact, it is why we were created.

So will you serve and be a part of changing the world? By becoming a part of the leadership team of TechBSM, your presence will play a vital role in changing people's lives. It won't always be easy, but who wants to do the easy thing? 

If this is your first year at Tech, there is a place for you to serve as well. Join our First-Year Leadership Team. For more info about it, contact


Tech BSM Staff

Jeff Kennon, Director

Taylor Davies, Associate Director

Cindy McBrayer, Cross-Cultural Specialist

Megan Bednarz, Campus Missionary

Kareen Lively, Ministry Assistant

Tech BSM Leadership Team 2017/18 Info

What is it? To lead at BSM is to serve. “Leadership does not begin with title or position, it begins the moment you are more concerned about others’ flourishing than your own.” -Andy Crouch 

Who? You need to ask yourself, “Why not me?” & “Why not now?” 

When? The team we are putting together will serve for the 2017/18 school year though philosophically, it begins now! 

Where do we serve? We exist for the campus of Texas Tech University! 

Why? To impact lives, to become trained in ministry leadership, and to grow in your relationship with God. 


Leadership Positions

Campus Group Leader, Campus Group Outreach Coordinator, Campus Outreach Coordinator Free Lunch, Missions, International Student Ministry, Prayer, & Ministry Coordinator


Application Details

There are only 2 steps to the application process.

  1. Complete the online form! Click HERE to begin!!!

  2. There will be a short interview (sign ups are available at BSM)


Each year we try to improve in helping all students on the leadership team grow in their relationship to God and in ministry and leadership skills. This is done through leadership meetings throughout the year and in one-on-one meetings with staff and other leadership students. 



  • You will be active in praying for the campus and in sharing the gospel.

  • Your lifestyle will exhibit Christlike character.

  • You will be supportive of all BSM ministries (this does not mean you attend everything).

  • You will pray for each other and BSM staff.

  • You will be involved in a local church


  • Attend Spring Training on April 21 (Friday evening)

  • Attend Leadership Meeting in August before Welcome Week begins on Sunday, August 20.

  • Participate in Welcome Week on August 21-25

  • Attend Leadership meetings during the year (schedule will be provided)

  • Be involved in evangelism training (there will be various options)

  • Commit for the school year.


For More Info or questions email Jeff Kennon at